I like many people naturally divide my year by the changing seasons. I often feel renewed at the change as I focus on a change in the weather and ultimately changes in my routine. There is not a season that I don't enjoy. I am not a fan of the cold and so of the 4 Winter is my least favorite, but without Winter there would be no Christmas and since I love Christmas, Winter will have to stay. That does not mean that I can not start my spring count down January 2.
Today the weather stayed above freezing and it did not rain. The sun has been out all day working to dry up the left over snow and rain. Today felt like a spring day. Now I know that we may not have seen the last of Winter yet as I like many of you remember regular late March and early April snow storms, but give me this for today.
The beginning of today felt similar to most of my days this late Winter. I feel blah, I'm not motivated and I'm not quite sure what the direction of each day should. I am off work for the week, which last week felt like an amazing gift that I was about to receive. Today it just felt like an empty day that I had to fill.
I decided to go out as the days don't feel so long when I break them up with errands and such. This afternoon I came back outside and truly realized what a wonderful day it had become.
At that moment I decided that today would be the start of spring for me. Off to the dog park I went with my little Nikki. We arrived to find it full of mud, but she was so excited we went anyways because I couldn't bear how upset she would be if we turned around. She ran around the muddy fields and I then had to carry into the house and straight up to the tub.
It's funny how a simple activity such as the dog park can be rejuvenating. For me this activity represents warmer and longer days ahead.
The start of spring also signifies a new beginning which is great for me as the last couple of weeks have left me feeling unmotivated and frustrated with myself.
Tonight I am off to my first spin class taught by my sister. I am a bit nervous about being able to both keep up and not look like a complete idiot. Wish me luck.
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