Friday, January 14, 2011

It Takes A Village

Many people will be familiar with the phrase "It takes a Village to Raise a Child". I was reflecting today on the past two weeks trying to pin point what have been the factors that have helped me to keep going. I have realized that for me weight loss, like child rearing, takes a village.

So I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone in my village. 

- Those who have read the blog which helps me to keep going each time I see a new page view.
- A dear friend who has been inspired to try eating clean and brought me lunch today. This was made more amazing by the fact that I did not have a full lunch today and this saved me a noon hour challenge.
- My husband who has helped me by making his share of clean breakfast and lunches as well as complimenting me on my dinner creations.
- My workout buddies who check to see if I am going to the gym
- Everyone who has messaged me, stopped me in the hall or emailed me to tell me that enjoy reading my blog.

I don't think you realize the impact that this has made on my progress. Part of what motivated me each day is thinking about what I am going to make for dinner and how it will look in a photo. I want to be clear that I am absolutely doing this for me, but whenever my motivation or willpower wavers just a bit, I have this village to fall back on.

Humans by nature are social creations and we do not live in isolation. I have decided to embrace this part and make it a part of my weight loss journey.

Already I feel more energetic, happier and excited about the future. I would say healthier, but I am fighting a cold so that would not be exactly accurate.

Today's Exercise
Work out video and Elliptical Machine

Today's Meals
Breakfast - Whole grain toast with almond butter and honey
Snack - orange
Lunch - Clean egg salad sandwich (thank you Sherry), mini babybell
Snack - grain and almond granola bar
Dinner (see photo) - brown rice and shrimp stir fry made with veggies and coconut oil.

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